What do subscribers say about RankMgr?

Simply the best tool we have ever used! We use it for all our clients. The graphs and automatic reporting options allow us to show the clients our progress with their sites.
Andy LoCascio – President
Sound Strategies, Inc – SEO Specialists & SEO Compliant Web Designers
This tool has allowed me to track the progress of our SEO efforts. Combined with a standard web statistics package, we know exactly what are ROI is.
Margot Tohn – President
Parkit! Guides
Since we started using RankMgr we have learned what our critical terms are and know when the rank is slipping. We also use it to watch ALL our competitors. We focus our SEO efforts on the most critical terms and have tripled our business in the last 6 months.
Jackie Wright – President
Captain Jackies, Inc.
We use RankMgr anytime we are rebuilding a site or creating a new site. It lets us see exactly where the site and it’s competitors rank. We build spreadsheets and upload the phrases to the tool.  Minutes later we have all the data we need to make our design decisions.
Carmen Yazejian – President
Network9 – SEO Compliant Web Designers

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